Monday, June 23, 2014

Time Management aka The Black Hole of Nursing School

 If I hear or see the words TIME MANAGEMENT again especially in regards to Nursing School, I cannot be held accountable for my actions.

My clinical instructor has written this on my daily paperwork and it irks me to no end. She is the instructor and may do things her way BUT she is not doing things other instructors have done.

ONCE I have not finished my paperwork and that was due to taking care of my patient correctly and helping other student nurses. I was not dawdling or standing around idly.

Our clinical days are scheduled 7-3 every Tuesday and Wednesday this semester. Our instructor asked us to come in at 630 and we would be dismissed at  230. Out of 6 clinical days, we have left on time ONCE. We have stayed over an hour every other day. We get no credit for these extra hours and it is cutting into study time, babysitters, work, etc. I find it highly hypocritical to chastise students for time management when we are not dismissed on time.

It is very hard to get time under control when you have a 4 month semester crammed into 10 weeks. We have a test every other week and half our tests are on days outside of class parameters.

Here is an idea of what my schedule
looks like. Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
and Monday, I work double shifts which can be up to 11 hours long. Basically I work 11am-9/930pm.

I have clinicals Tuesday and Wednesday 630- at least 330. See above comment.

Then I have lecture 830-130 on Thursday.

As you see, I do not have a day off.

Due to shortness of semester, we must also watch video lectures on our own time.
Each week there can be upwards of 8 hours of lectures.
We also have a clinical assignment each week that is due on Tuesday.

I must also fit eating, sleeping( which has now been cut down to 5 hrs on average), dishes,showering, and laundry into this time frame.

Oh and with summer comes yardwork. I am trying to hire someone to cut my grass but until then, I must do it.

I have given up on cleaning my house until this semester is over.
I had no choice.

I also have no personal life. I really do not have the time or energy for one but I do miss going out to dinner, going to a movie, or just talking to an adult about things besides work and school.

With some notice, I MIGHT be able to take a night off work but for me spontaneity is out.

If anyone can seriously tell me a way to manage my time better, I am all ears but
in meantime stop criticising me. I am doing the best I can.