Monday, June 23, 2014

Time Management aka The Black Hole of Nursing School

 If I hear or see the words TIME MANAGEMENT again especially in regards to Nursing School, I cannot be held accountable for my actions.

My clinical instructor has written this on my daily paperwork and it irks me to no end. She is the instructor and may do things her way BUT she is not doing things other instructors have done.

ONCE I have not finished my paperwork and that was due to taking care of my patient correctly and helping other student nurses. I was not dawdling or standing around idly.

Our clinical days are scheduled 7-3 every Tuesday and Wednesday this semester. Our instructor asked us to come in at 630 and we would be dismissed at  230. Out of 6 clinical days, we have left on time ONCE. We have stayed over an hour every other day. We get no credit for these extra hours and it is cutting into study time, babysitters, work, etc. I find it highly hypocritical to chastise students for time management when we are not dismissed on time.

It is very hard to get time under control when you have a 4 month semester crammed into 10 weeks. We have a test every other week and half our tests are on days outside of class parameters.

Here is an idea of what my schedule
looks like. Friday, Saturday, Sunday,
and Monday, I work double shifts which can be up to 11 hours long. Basically I work 11am-9/930pm.

I have clinicals Tuesday and Wednesday 630- at least 330. See above comment.

Then I have lecture 830-130 on Thursday.

As you see, I do not have a day off.

Due to shortness of semester, we must also watch video lectures on our own time.
Each week there can be upwards of 8 hours of lectures.
We also have a clinical assignment each week that is due on Tuesday.

I must also fit eating, sleeping( which has now been cut down to 5 hrs on average), dishes,showering, and laundry into this time frame.

Oh and with summer comes yardwork. I am trying to hire someone to cut my grass but until then, I must do it.

I have given up on cleaning my house until this semester is over.
I had no choice.

I also have no personal life. I really do not have the time or energy for one but I do miss going out to dinner, going to a movie, or just talking to an adult about things besides work and school.

With some notice, I MIGHT be able to take a night off work but for me spontaneity is out.

If anyone can seriously tell me a way to manage my time better, I am all ears but
in meantime stop criticising me. I am doing the best I can.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Frankly My Dear I Do Give a Damn

Scarlett O'Hara "baby girl" Doss flew into this world on January 25th 2005. And I mean flew. Dixie, her mom, had already had 3 puppies and we thought Dixie was through. She was only 8 months old and weighed 10 pounds. Alex was excited and talking to her Dad on the phone when all of a sudden one more puppy literally shot out of Dixie, through the air about 3 feet, and landed on edge of blanket. We all shrieked and Alex dropped the phone. Well Scarlett was our last puppy and only girl. As you can see, she has always been curly.
 Scarlett hold a special place in my heart since I actually witnessed her birth and because she is Dixie's puppy.

You can below how tiny Dixie was and one of her other puppies.

                Below is a picture of Max, her Daddy, and Hershey, her uncle. Max is on the right. Scarlett got her hair and temperament from Max.

Scarlett has always been laid back and very gentle. Unless you crowded her personal space. Here she is letting Peanut sit on her  and not making a sound.

She never really liked me cutting her hair but it had to be done. She looks like a totally different dog with her hair cut.

Scarlett has brought so much joy to my life. She is playful, energetic, loving, and a Mama's girl. She always loves sitting in my lap and sleeping next to me.She gets excited and loves to play. She always loves to cuddle.

Many of you know Scarlett had been sick in January and was very ill. Well she became ill again the last two days and I had to make the hardest decision as a pet owner. I did not want my beautiful sweet girl to be in pain anymore. She was crying because she was in so much pain.  As much as it hurts me, I decided to let her go. I am crying as a write this. This is the first time I have ever been with a pet their entire life. I was with her when she was born and I held her as she died. She will always hold a special place in my heart. Scarlett my beautiful baby girl I love you.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year's Revolutions and Resolutions

Many of us make resolutions each year and may try our best to stick with them but eventually our best wishes fall by the wayside. It is very hard at times to stick with things. If it were easy, then a big deal would not be made about New Year's resolutions.

I am going to touch on a few I made last year and the results.

Even though I have not graduated yet, my resolution this past year was to survive two semesters of Nursing School and I did. I have learned so much and grateful for my fellow students and professors. And now that it is the New Year, I can say I graduate THIS year!

For several years I have put a wall up to avoid being hurt. I was not hurt but I also did not allow anyone close to me. Without that closeness, you can keep out hurt but you also keep out love. After wise words from someone, I decided to let my wall down.

Even though this relationship ended badly and I was hurt deeply, I know in time I will love someone again. I will not allow my hurt and pain to put a wall up again.

I also know I did everything in my power to make this relationship work. I was open and honest and told him things very few people know. It was his dishonesty and deceit that allowed things to unravel.

The important thing is I opened up and  will not allow this to stop me from feeling love again. I know there is someone out there for me. Someone who will love, cherish, and respect me. Things every person should have in a successful relationship.

Every year like many women, I resolve to lose weight, blah, blah, blah. Well this year I resolved to be healthier. I have managed to do that and in doing so have lost weight. Maybe not as much as I would have liked but it is a work in progress.

I cut my beloved Mt Dew out of my life. I make sure I eat at least two fruits and two vegetables every day. I eat little to no bread or starches. I try to limit my snacks to one 100 calorie snack pack a day. I have increased my water to 40 oz minimum a day. I also managed to exercise every day until this past semester. No excuses but working, Nursing school, and clinicals take a lot of my time and energy.

Yes there are days I go off the wagon to speak but I do not beat myself up and just get back on the wagon. I know this has to be a lifelong change and not a "diet."

These changes have helped me be healthier and lose weight. I have gone down one dress size, one pant/jean size, two shirt sizes, and one size in panties.

I feel so much healthier and my self esteem is higher. I can breathe a little easier. I can climb the stairs now. I can park farther from the door and walk.

My goals for this year are to continue with last years resolutions: to remain open to new things, to continue and improve upon a healthier lifestyle, and to graduate from nursing school.

Friday, November 1, 2013

I Have Big Boobs and I Cannot Lie

I have never been so offended as I have tonight and it takes a lot to offend me.

Someone emailed a complaint into my place of employment and you will never guess what they complained about.

Yes they complained about my boobs.

I could not make this stuff up.

The complaint stated that when their child tried to grab a hot plate out of my hand, I snatched it back saying "It's hot."  Then by placing the plate directly in front of their child who was sitting on the far side of the table, my cleavage was planted in their salad bowl.

Seriously? I have 38DD's. I am not some porn star sized woman who can fill a salad bowl with my boobs. I am conscious of my boobs too. I do not want to knock over your glass or something else. Why would I place my boobs in your food? The answer is I would not.

Instead of you being grateful that I would not allow your child to grab a hot plate out of my hand, you focus on my boobs. What is wrong with you? Do you not have enough in life to keep you busy?

What is even worse is that my employer has taken this complaint seriously. So be careful ladies, you may get a verbal warning for having luscious tatas.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Not All Things Are Created Equal

 Today the subject of Friends with Benefits came up. Some of you may be offended by this topic or disagree but I am not asking for your approval. This is my life and I am sharing a part of it with you. Plus as the picture below says...
 Over the last 8 years, I have had a total of 2 FWB. One was over the course of 3/4 years and the other 2 years. For those of you confused, FWB is someone with whom you are friends first and foremost. The benefits are not just sexual but for me also include dining, movies, and just having someone to talk to. At no time have I shared a "benefit" when in a relationship or vice versa. There is mutual respect. For whatever reason, 
a romantic relationship is not an option 
at that time nor necessarily wanted.

Monday, July 15, 2013


Today I am feeling very lucky due to the kindness of strangers. So I thought I would touch on a few acts of kindness shown to me over the years. 

There's something to be said for living in a small town. Tow truck driver came to pick my car up. He looked under hood and played with my car. Said it's the starter and got my car started. He told me that if I brought ii into their shop, no charge for tow truck coming out. DEAL! He also happens to go to church with my son. Thank you jesus. 

Next when I got to the garage, the owner said if I wanted to go buy my own starter, it would be cheaper because no shop fee. DEAL! He even called where I bought my auto supplies and got me the commercial discount. YAY!

He drove me home and when I told him what street I lived on, he asked if I knew someone which I did not. I then asked if he knew Paul? He said yes. He's my neighbor. He drove right to my house. No directions. Come to find out, he's the retired Fire Chief.

After buying the starter, even with discount, I am broke. When I dropped it off, I explained that I cannot pay for car in the morning when it's done. He asked me when I could have the money? I said Sunday. He said just bring me the money on Monday and come pick your car up tomorrow. Try that in the city.  He then gave me a hug and said he just might have to come out to eat and have me wait on him, so I could pay him. lol

Recently a group of online lady (I
use the term loosely) friends got together , chipped in, and sent me money so I could pay my mortgage. These women had nothing to gain by being so kind but I have found that being kind is its own reward. I gained so much more than a temporary reprieve from my financial stress; I gained respect, love, and admiration for my friends. Being online friends does not mean we are not true friends. Thank you ladies. 

One time about 25 years ago, I was headed home with my 2 toddlers. We had just spent a few weeks in North Carolina with my family. We stopped in Chattanooga to fill up when I discovered my wallet was missing. I had no money, no credit cards, and debit cards did not exist. I had no ID to even pick up money at Western Union. Nothing! I started to cry. A complete stranger asked me why I was crying. I told her what had happened. She did not say a word and headed into the store. She came out a few minutes later and told me she had paid for my gas so we could go home. I never caught her name but to this day am thankful she helped me out when I needed it. Thank you ma'am.

To my friend Crystal and her sister Kim, thanks for allowing me to spend holidays with you, teaching me how to cut my doggy Scarlett's hair, and just being my friends. I miss y'all. 

And to my sister Barbara, many people see the both of us as loud mouth bitches (Ok we are loud mouth bitches) but I will always see you as my funny, smart, and very kind sister. You are also my friend. You are there for me when I need you. Who can ask for more? 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day

 In honor of the 4th of July, I am going to tell some tales of men I am glad to have gained my independence. In other words, men I am glad are no longer in my life. They served a purpose and moved on. Sometimes that purpose was to teach me a lesson. Names have been changed not to protect the innocent but to prevent my ass from being sued.
 LARRY. We met at the end of each of our respective marriages. We fell head over heels for each other. We had so much in common. We laughed, cried, and finished each other’s sentences. We talked on the phone for hours each day. We just belonged together.  We debated on him moving to Alabama or me moving to Pennsylvania. We decided I would move to PA with my kids, so he could be closer to his daughter who was a toddler. My daughters and I fell in love with Chelsea right away. She was an adorable child. Things seemed to be fine. Everyone was getting settled in a new life.

About six months after we moved in, he started working later and later. We had Chelsea every two weeks for two weeks. I was spending more time with her than he was. He started acting different. I should have taken the cue and left but I had nowhere to go.  Then we got the news he was being deployed to Iraq. That is when everything fell apart bit by bit.

The shit hit the fan when he was given a medical discharge. He had been having an affair with a subordinate at work. She wanted me gone. His mother and siblings who were in on this broke into our home and proceeded to assault me and tried to assault my 10 year old child. The police were called. He tried to have me arrested for trespassing even though I lived there. The police refused to arrest anyone for assaulting me. Then Larry bribed the cops in front of me.

He admitted that our entire relationship was a ruse: eighteen months of lies, hidden agendas, and just plain bullshit. He never loved me. He still loved his ex-wife even though she had left him for another man. He hoped that by getting involved with me; she would become jealous and come back to him.

 So many horrid things came to light in the next few weeks. I never thought I would recover and was so worried about my girls. I did get a bit of revenge. The workplace affair cost Larry his job when I gave his boss proof of the affair. I do not regret doing that and never will.

This relationship almost killed me but forced me into therapy for which I am grateful.

Lessons learned: Finish one relationship before beginning another, be financially independent, and listen to my gut.

 JEFF: I was upfront with Jeff and told him I wanted to take things slow. We did.  We lived 70 miles apart and only saw each other once a week. We did talk on the phone every day. He was upfront and told me he never wanted to marry again. His wife had cheated on him and left him for another man. He did not want to go through another marriage.

We dated for four months and in that time I never went to his home nor met any family or friends.

Jeff was very shy, quiet, and very vanilla.
He surprised me by breaking up suddenly. His reasoning was that when he told me he never wanted to remarry, he could see the disappointment in my face.

We talked for several weeks and discussed getting back together when he announced that he had not been truthful with me.  He had started seeing someone else. That he and his wife had been involved in some different sexual practices and that technically she had not cheated on him, although she had left him for another man. That some of these sexual practices involved something called cuckolding. This is when he realized he was bisexual and wanted to be involved in BDSM.

Jeff left me for a man. Those of you that really know me know I have many gay friends and very active in the gay community, BUT I cannot describe the feeling of being left for a man. I was devastated.

Lessons learned: Get to know someone, know their home, their family, their friends, their past.

ROBBIE:  He was about ten years older than me. He was very laid back and he was very hot. We had a lot of fun. We went hiking, kayaking, swimming, drank, and just had a lot of fun.

He was at my home most of that four months and I never set foot in his home nor even knew where it was. I never met any family or friends either.  I will admit it was very casual and we never discussed the future.

Without notice, I had to throw a bridal shower for my daughter. He offered to help me clean house, cut grass, and set up for party. I needed the help and agreed. Nothing went right that weekend. My dog got out for hours, minor things involved with party were not going right, and then Alex and I got into a huge fight. How many moms and teen daughters do not fight?  I thought nothing of it.

Well Robbie disappeared after that without a word. He did not answer his phone or email. A month later he sent me an instant message saying he no longer wanted to see me. No shit Sherlock. He told me I was a horrible person and mom. That the fight with Alex bordered on abuse. I told him my relationship with Alex was none of his fucking business and how dare he judge me. I asked Alex later what the fight was about and she said what fight? Yeah she was abused alright.

I later found out that he lied about where he lived and what he did for a living. I also found out that he had been convicted of several DUI’s and currently did not have a driver’s license. All things that would have made me think twice about dating him.
Lessons learned: Know someone’s past, repeat on the family and friends, life are not always fun and games, and criticism of parenthood is never allowed.

I have decided to save the last person for another blog.