Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Not All Things Are Created Equal

 Today the subject of Friends with Benefits came up. Some of you may be offended by this topic or disagree but I am not asking for your approval. This is my life and I am sharing a part of it with you. Plus as the picture below says...
 Over the last 8 years, I have had a total of 2 FWB. One was over the course of 3/4 years and the other 2 years. For those of you confused, FWB is someone with whom you are friends first and foremost. The benefits are not just sexual but for me also include dining, movies, and just having someone to talk to. At no time have I shared a "benefit" when in a relationship or vice versa. There is mutual respect. For whatever reason, 
a romantic relationship is not an option 
at that time nor necessarily wanted.

 FWB are not be confused with a one night stand. This is typically someone you pick up in a bar or online with the intention of sex with a stranger to never be seen again. There are too many variables in this scenario to guarantee anything but trouble. Also this is not what I wanted. 

Just wanted to include this cute picture. --->

 There is also the booty call not to be confused with FWB. A true booty call is sex and sex only.This may be someone you know and you may have a long time booty call relationship but does not typically involve friendship. There may be many reasons for choosing one of these types of relationships. Before you judge, doesn't everyone have basic human needs?
Human touch is the simplest of base needs: a hug, walking hand in hand, a kiss, skin to skin contact. 


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