Sunday, June 23, 2013

There Has To Be a Beginning

That your life started off in reverse? Born an adult and getting younger every day? And no my name is not Benjamin Button.Why is being normal so important and who can define normal? Normal is so predictable and boring. Who wants to be boring? 

Passionate and emotional but afraid to be myself. Why? 
Afraid to be hurt one more time. The last few years

I have put a huge wall up and not allowed anyone close to me. Someone recently awoke something deep inside me. I am hoping he will give me a chance. I really am worth it. 


I look in the mirror
 And what do I see?
A glimpse of the person I long to be
Strong and confidant
Wise and Smart
A pretty face
Humor tart
When can I tell?
 When will I know?
When it's time
To just let go
A stronger person
 I long to be
Till the time comes

 I can only be me.

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